The legendary coach Eddie Robinson once said, "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." When it comes to sales and service, does your team have the will to win? Does it have the desire to succeed? Are they willing to put in the work to reach their full potential? If so, then you are defining excellence. You are defining a “WINNER”. Every day that we do our job we have a decision to make…Do I want to reach my full potential? Being a winner isn’t something you work on some of the time; it is something you work on every day. How can you work at it every day? Use excellent sales and service skills with every client. What this means is that even when it is 5 minutes before closing on a Friday afternoon, we stand up, greet the customer, let them know that we appreciate this opportunity and, we are genuinely happy to learn about their needs and present them with solutions. After all, isn’t this how we all want to be treated? Tomorrow, be excellent. Tomorrow, BE A WINNER.