Sep 30, 20142 min read
Practice Does Make Perfect
This time of year, there are always many sports analogies used, and I certainly do not want to let anybody down, so here I go. Lou...
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Feb 28, 20141 min read
What Drives a Client to Buy?
There is an old saying, People don't buy because they are made to understand. They buy because they believe they are understood”. This...
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Jan 31, 20141 min read
Same old, Same old
A few weeks ago I had the chance to visit several community bank offices to learn more about their services. I had a very UNDERWHELMING...
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Jul 31, 20131 min read
Taking The Time Pays Dividends
From the desk of Tom Jung There is an old saying, “People don't buy because they are made to understand. They buy because they feel...
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Mar 31, 20131 min read
The legendary coach Eddie Robinson once said, "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are...
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